Here at All Star Travel, we have it on good authority that Santa is doing time trials in the next few evenings, in preparation for the Big Day.

If you happen to be travelling by plane one of these nights, keep a close eye on the sky, and you just might see the Big Man swing by.

One of our colleagues caught this recently, and posted it on You Tube:

And before you go, make sure to reach out to All Star Travel to book your rental car at your destination. Unlike Santa, we mortals have to have four wheels and an engine to get around. We offer a great selection of vehicles, and we promise you will love our great deals and our fantastic customer service. Plus, we have a charitable program that pays it forward. For every booking we take at All Star Travel, we make a donation to a pediatric cancer research center, so more kids can have more Christmases.

Call us and book your rental car today!
