If the word “vacation” just seems like one more overwhelming project, take heart and let All Star Travel help you plan your next getaway.

It’s nearly the New Year:  consider the future “you”.

Studies have shown that failing to take time out to recharge our bodies and our minds can have serious consequences. Many Americans today use only half of their allotted vacation time. And of those who do go on vacation, three out of five admit to doing some work while they’re away. About one in four were contacted by a coworker, and 20% were contacted by their supervisor about a work-related matter.

What has happened to the concept of “Work-Life Balance”?

Here are just a few reasons why scheduling downtime boosts your health, productivity and your happiness.

Stress Reduction

Vacations have been scientifically proven to reduce stress. By removing yourself from the stressful and anxiety-producing environment, which can even include your home as well as your work, stress responses diminish. And the effects can be long lasting. One study showed that the positive effects of stress reduction were still noticeable after five weeks back on the job.

Heart Health

In one study, men who skipped vacations for five consecutive years were 30% more likely to suffer a heart attack than the men who took at least one week off each year. And the same is true for women. Women who took a vacation every six years or less were eight times more likely to develop heart disease, have a heart attack, or die of a coronary-related event. The physiological benefits of vacations and time away just can’t be overstated.

Improved Productivity

Have you ever heard the phrase “The hurrier I go, the behinder I get”? Constant focus on expediency and production can actually undermine our productivity. Trying to get too much done in too short a time leaves us exhausted, unhappy and actually further behind. One company conducted a study of its employees and found that performance levels improved by eight percent for each additional 10 hours of vacation time they took.

Better Sleep

Your body can only heal itself when it is at rest, and the deeper and more restful the sleep you get, the more health benefits you’ll reap. Bad habits like obsessing over the day’s events, or checking our screens late at night can derail good sleep. Vacations disrupt these unhealthy habits, and studies have shown that with a little effort, you can benefit from these better habits by practicing them when you get home and making them part of your healthier lifestyle.

Make 2018 the year you take charge of your schedule and commit to rewarding yourself with a trip away! Your body and your mind will thank you.

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You’ll enjoy some of the health benefits of travel just from dreaming about or planning your trip!